The green coffe bean arrives from its long way to our roasting plant from the plantation, what in your cup will be a varied, wonderful refreshment. The plantation’s and the species’ taste is noticable in it, and the roasting master’s knowledge and style will make it unique and unrepeatable.
You can easily get to know that from where, and from whose farm it has been harvested , on which processing station and with what kind of method has it been processed. In our café, you can ask our baristas for the fruits of the labor of these careful professionals, who can make the most optimal taste for your coffee, either you are asking for an espresso, either any coffee with milk or a filter coffee.
Along our cakes and sweets you can find on our shelves famous master’s and manufacture’s chocolates, bonbons, loose teas, and wines. Our handmade cookies and delicacies are made from the most excellent ingredients in an additive-free and preservative-free way.
We pay attention for our guests with special meal requests and you can find gluten-free, lactose-free, sugar-free, vegetarian or vegan products in our coffee shop.

You can have a look on our menu here.

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